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MSK Campaigns


My Sister's Keeper mentees and mentors are motivated by this mantra to keep themselves, their sisters, their families, schools, and communities. They also celebrate their value, self-worth, and one-of-a-kind uniqueness. "Every young lady deserves to be kept."

Girls with Goals

"Girls with Goals" is a movement to encourage young ladies to be goal-oriented, goal-motivated, goal-driven, and goal-directed. MSK mentees and mentors are committed to working on life plans, which identify SMART goals and action steps toward goal attainment.

"Powerful girls plan..."  

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My Brother's Keeper




Phone: 313-293-1197


MY SISTER'S KEEPER is committed to meeting quality standards for mentoring that are safe and effective. We strive to follow the nationally recognized best practices, known as the Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring™ , 4th Edition, and established by MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership, to support quality youth mentoring relationships.  To achieve these standards, MY SISTER'S KEEPER has initiated the 2-step National Quality Mentoring System (NQMS) process, a national continuous quality improvement process for mentoring programs, by completing a quality self-assessment and review facilitated by Mentor Michigan+, and developing an innovation and improvement plan to promote continuous quality improvement and alignment with evidence-based practices for mentoring. Learn more about the NQMS process here.

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