The Word of the Day is ATTITUDE! Attitude is everything... Your attitude determines your altitude. At My Sister's Keeper, we often paraphrase "as a girl thinks, so is she." In most cases, if we think we can, we can. If we think we can't, we can't. We can see our glass as half empty or we can see our glass as half full. We can choose a negative

attitude or a positive attitude. When was a time that you had a negative or defeated attitude? How could you have changed your attitude or way of looking at the situation? Do you agree with the saying "Change, your mind and change your life? Yes or no? Why? Why is it important to have an "Attitude of Gratitude?" What are you grateful for today?
Honestly I can’t remember the last time I had a attitude. I look at a lot of situation the way most people won’t so I can’t say I would change much. No because just because u say it doesn’t mean It will Just happen
There’s been some times where I had a defeated attitude, one of those times was when I didn’t get the score I want it on a test. I couldn’t change the way I saw this tune I tried my best and that’s all that mattered. I agree with the same change your mind change your life because when you change the way you think about things change the way you react to them . You should have an attitude of gratitude because you should be grateful for every experience you have. I am grateful for all of the rough experiences I’ve been through.
There has been many times where i’ve had a negative attitude, but after really thinking about things I realized that i should always have a positive attitude because of you go into something thinking that you can’t then 9 times out of 10 you won’t succeed in what you’re doing. If you believe you can, then you will!
i’m not sure nothing really bothers me . it’s always nice to have a positive attitude. anytime i feel there’s something wrong i don’t just jump to having a bad attitude , i think about it and ask myself is it really worth it ? yes i do , if you change the way you think , believe , and put your mind to it you can turn your live around .