The Word of the Day is FOCUS. Whatever you focus on becomes stronger and more prominent. Where there is no focus, there is weakness. Life can be stressful and there are so many distractions. Attention deficit seems to be the new normal. The ability to zero in, concentrate, and to start and finish, not only finish but finishing strong can be a challenge. Employing tunnel vision, not looking to the left or to the right, not veering off course, and activating a tenacious drive and determination which will only let up after reaching the goal is a valued skill. What are you focusing on? What are some of your distractions? What steps can you take to avoid distractions and stay focused? Here are some of my suggestions:
-Get proper rest.
-Prayer & Meditation
-Keep regular study hours
-Limit cell phone use
-Limit TV-watching
-Healthy diet & exercise
-Plan your work & work your plan
-Choose friends who are focused
-Work with a mentor or coach
-Inundate yourself with the thing that you are focusing on, books on the topic, online searches, YouTube videos, tools and resources
-Create a vision board as a focal point
Focus is important because it can keep the mind at active yet relaxed. It can help you accomplish every goal to the best of your ability
Focus is very important life skill that people should hold dearly. It can help you move foward in life and it also shows a lot of dedication
I’m focused on being apart on NHS when school starts. just like Kaylyn said people and my phone are my distraction. I can avoid these distractions by take a pause on people and my phone.
i’m not focused on anything at the moment, but when school starts back I want to stay focused on my work/grades. My phone and people are distractions for me. I could stay off of my phone and distance myself from people at least while i’m working.